My Questions

Q: what is the maximum height that the drone arrives

Asked by DRA25 on 2019-08-14 10:42:26

Jeroenvan Ameijde The camera doesn’t tilt. Does anyone know what I do wrong? Is it right that you can move it by the App?

2019-10-14 10:43:41 Helpful (3)
Answers (5)

Q: se necesita la batería al 100 para transmitir vía WiFi??

Asked by DRA25 on 2019-08-30 22:33:04

TheCric La risposta è no, si trasmette fino al 20% e ancora più basso, ma al 20% si inizierà a dare avvertimenti

2019-09-27 01:15:12 Helpful (1)
Answers (4)