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vgymtanar I welcome you! I want to screw this hinged grip onto a completely different device. My question is approx. what is the size of this grip. for example, how far apart are the 2 hinged parts: 10cm, 20cm or how much? Thanks.

BG159151444 21/06/2023
Comments (3)

vgymtanar I welcome you! I want to screw this hinged grip onto a completely different device. My question is approx. what is the size of this grip. for example, how far apart are the 2 hinged parts: 10cm, 20cm or how much? Thanks.

BG402054484 29/01/2024
Comments (3)

vgymtanar Üdvözlöm! Én más készülékhez szeretném felhasználni. kérem mondja meg nekem, hogy mekkora méretei vannak kb. az "U" alakú markolatnak. például

Javiester 02/09/2023
Comments (1)

The seller This is 100 times attenuation. It needs to be used with an oscilloscope. Adjust the oscilloscope to the 100 times range. If you measure 1000 volts, the oscilloscope will display 1000 volts.

2024-01-16 01:22:41 Helpful (0)
Answers (1)